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Process of Making Facebook Page Private - By Eva jones On Strindberg Project

Strindberg Project

Process of Making Facebook Page Private

By Eva jones

Social media is something which is accessible to everyone and when we talk about social media, the first name that pops up in our mind is Facebook. Here we will go through the steps for how to create a private page on Facebook. As you see, Facebook is set to default settings when you sign up and all your information is public in that settings. But if you’re wondering, can I make my Facebook page private. The answer is yes. Steps to make Facebook page private: ·        Open the Facebook application in your web browser or directly from the app. ·        Enter the credentials and login to your account. ·        Click on the arrow icon which must be there on the corner of your screen. ·        Then, Click on settings. ·        A drop down menu would appear, click on privacy. ·        Here, you can chose among the list of your friends who gets to view your profile. ·        Make the changes and click on edit. ·        Your account is now private.
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Read 556 Times - Genre: Novel
Published: April 25, 2022, 11:55 am