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Mental Health - A Short Story By Nina Gorman On Strindberg Project

Strindberg Project

Mental Health

A Short Story By Nina Gorman

Mental health is an area of study that has developed over a long time frame. However, the public is yet to fully acknowledge the importance of mental health in the modern world. This research proposal explores various sources of credible and up to date information with an aim of finding relevant information about mental health and related disorders. It aims to formulate a better understanding of the topic to prove the importance of mental health for the global society, answering the question of whether mental health affects global health. The proposal uses descriptive theoretical framework. In the literature review, it mainly discusses the effects of mental conditions on the human population and the entire world. The research design involves secondary data analysis and the application of self-report surveying. Simple random sampling will be done, and interviews will be used to collect data from the subjects. The data will be evaluated through the comparison of different subjects’ information using observational skills and data comparison charts. Finally, there is a detailed discussion based on the information covered by the study.Mental HealthThere are many definitions of mental health but, generally, all of them encompass a state of mind. Sperry (2016) considers mental health as a state of psychological wellness or the lack of brain and mind-related illnesses, which results in productive relationships and activities, as well as the ability to adapt and adjust. It comprises an individual’s capacity to appreciate life and its experiences and maintain equilibrium between day-to-day activities and efforts aimed at attaining mental strength. The World Health Organization [WHO] (2013) mentions that mental health relates to individual wellness, self-efficacy, independence, aptitude, and realization of individual intellectual and emotional capabilities. It also mentions that people’s wellness involves their awareness of their strengths, the ability to manage typical pressures of life, and involvement in their community’s development.Throughout the paper, there will be discussions and analysis of the information relevant to mental health, including a descriptive theoretical analysis of secondary data from various sources. The theory will mostly focus on mental disorders and their effects on the world. This information will be evaluated with an aim of better understanding the subject matter and gathering support for future extensive research that should provide more detailed information. It will be useful to various medical research institutions and numerous people who are affected by mental conditions. The global society will also benefit by using the information to better manage mental conditions and related issues. For the purpose of future research, this proposal includes various methods and procedures that will enable easy collection and evaluation of data. The methodology of this paper includes the research design adopted, methods of sampling, instruments, and data collection and analysis procedures.Statement of the ProblemMental health is considered a neglected topic when regarding human health. It is, therefore, not given its due attention and the seriousness it deserves. However, over the years, it has proven to be a serious matter that has attracted much attention, considering the number of people affected. Society has never been as aware of and devoted to the condition as much as now, especially regarding the challenges of mental sickness and related issues. Mental health has often been ignored with more focus being placed on physical illnesses. However, various research studies conducted by different investigators suggest that mental health is not only an important topic but also a challenge that is likely to become more serious, affecting people from all over the world. The main issue raised by this study is that of the severity of the challenges posed by mental disorders.Purpose of the StudyThe purpose of this paper is to briefly study the topic of mental health and related issues with an aim of coming up with a strong case to prove that mental health has a major impact on the global society and hence should be a topic of extensive research. The paper will study various data from different sources in order to obtain substantial information about the subject matter. It will then analyze the collected information to develop a further understanding of the topic. The unit of analysis applied is a self-report survey in the form of interviews, which will enable the researchers to study the subjects. The main areas of discussion will be the effects of mental disorders on the society and the entire world.Research Questions/HypothesisFor the purpose of this study, the following questions were addressed:1. Does mental health affect global health?2. Is there enough research information about mental health or is there a need for more extensive research?As part of this study, investigation included one research hypothesis:1. Based on the secondary and primary sources of information, mentally related problems significantly affect global health.Definition of Terms1. Mental health – the state of mental wellness or the lack of psychological sickness, which results in the person’s ability to adapt, engage in productive activities, and build relationships (Sperry, 2016).2. Mental disorder – a condition or illness that affects the state of mental wellness (Sperry, 2016).Theoretical FrameworkThis study follows the guidelines of a descriptive theory that analyzes various secondary data sources aimed at coming up with results that will verify the hypothesis of the investigation. From the description of the theoretical information used, perspectives of different researchers will be collected and correlated. The main theoretical data applied are the effects of mental disorders on various entities and the world at large. The theory relates strongly to the study since it provides useful information that can be used to support further extensive research on the topic. The eventual results of the experiments conducted in research will be evaluated based on the relation to the theory. The theoretic material covered in the paper will be essential in the evaluation process that is expected to provide conclusive results that can satisfy the problem statement. The main area covered in theory is mental health literature that will encompass various information with relevance to the topic of discussion.Literature ReviewMental Disorder Statistics and BackgroundSperry (2016) defines mental disorder as a condition of the mind that prevents it from normal functioning, subsequently affecting the general state of wellness. Statistically, there are millions of people with some kind of mental disorder. According to Sperry (2016), at least 20% of the U.S. citizens suffer from some sort of a mental health problem. In England, more than 16% of adults can be considered as meeting the criteria for a mental disorder (Mackereth, Brown, & Learmonth, 2014). Experts say that every single human being has the potential for suffering from mental health problems, regardless of one’s age, gender, economic status, and ethnicity (Valentine, 2015). Specialists also suggest that individuals affected by a mental disorder may also suffer from another one at the same time. They further mention that in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, and much of the developed world, mental disorders are the leading cause of disability among people aged 15-44 years (Knifton & Quinn, 2013).Evidence by the WHO (2013) suggests that hundreds of millions of people in the world are affected by mental disorders. According to it, major depression is the leading cause of mental problems, especially for women. Depression may lead to disability and suicidal intentions. Sperry (2016) states that almost 40,000 people in the United States commit suicide annually, and more are attempting it on a yearly basis. According to Valentine (2015), mental disorders are more probable than diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Apart from numerous people in the world who are affected by serious disorders, there are more individuals who have mental problems with major influence on their societal experience, confidence, associations, and the capacity to live normally.Sustaining mental wellness is vital for having a long and vigorous life. It can enhance one’s everyday experience, whereas lack of mental wellness can seriously affect individuals by preventing them from leading a fulfilling life. Knifton and Quinn (2013) mention that there is evidence that shows that emotional capabilities are connected to prosocial performance like pressure control and bodily wellness. The book suggests that individuals lacking emotional expression are prone to vices such as drug abuse and delinquency, which is the evidence of their psychological status and suppressed feelings. Knifton and Quinn (2013) also suggest that there is a possibility of mental wellness being an unbalanced field in which an individual’s mental state may have various potential outcomes.Effects on IndividualsAccording to Sperry (2016), people with mental conditions are at a higher risk of the lowered value of life, learning limitations, reduced output, various deficiencies, susceptibility to exploitation, and other health issues. Schooling is usually limited when early mental problems prevent individuals from finishing their education or finally pursuing their careers. Furthermore, mental problems cause lowered personal output due to joblessness, neglected work, and lowered productivity at work, which puts such people at a higher risk of poverty.Aneshensel, Phelan, and Bierman. (2012) suggest that psychological problems and poverty are interrelated where poverty contributes to psychological sickness while mental disorders increase the possibility of a person becoming or keeping being poor. Mental conditions can also promote other health issues. For example, people with comorbid depression are less probable to observe successful remedial treatments than non-depressed individuals (Valentine, 2015). Furthermore, psychologically affected people are susceptible to the reduced value of care, exploitation, and human rights abuses, especially in low-income places with inadequate mental health amenities (Valentine, 2015).Effects on FamiliesKnifton and Quinn (2013) suggest that most of the time, the load of taking care of mentally ill people is placed on their immediate family or relatives. These families may not be able to perform at their optimal capability due to the difficulties of taking care of psychologically affected people, resulting in less economic output and household income. Loss of revenue and the monetary expenses of taking care of a psychologically affected individual put such families at a higher risk of poverty. Family members can also feel significant pressure because of the many challenges of taking care of the individual (Knifton & Quinn, 2013).Effects on SocietyAlthough the precise societal effects of mental disorders differ among cultures and countries, mental conditions that are not managed properly result in adverse economic consequences. According to the WHO (2013), the global impact of mental disorders will lead to the economic output of $16.3 million till 2030. Apart from the costs of managing mental problems, Knifton and Quinn (2013) state that they can worsen other public health issues, increasing the load on a country’s economy and imminent public health efforts. Mackereth et al. (2014) suggest that mental problems relate to a higher risk of non-observance of medical treatments for other health issues. In addition, maternal depression may put newborns at a higher risk of childhood health problems that can cause higher childhood mortality.MethodologyResearch DesignThe course of this research paper will mainly involve secondary data analysis with an extensive investigation of other researchers’ studies of the topic of mental health. There will also be the application of self-report surveying through interviewing that will supplement the secondary sources. The data collected will be examined and evaluated with an aim of gathering relevant information that can be useful in the study. The subjects of the study will share their experiences that will be recorded and used in the research paper. The descriptive theoretical framework guiding this study will mainly focus on finding enough information about the topic, which will enable the researcher to conclude a result that will explain how mental health affects global health. The research model guiding the study predicts that mental health is a major issue in the world that will keep affecting the society in the coming years and hence extensive research is necessary.SamplingFor this research, simple random sampling will be used where people attending public psychiatric institutions for help with mental conditions will be approached. The individuals to be approached will be chosen based on age and gender. Females and males between the ages of 18 and 45 will be chosen, with the number of female participants being twice higher due to the secondary source evidence suggesting that women are more susceptible to mental disorders compared to males. There will also be the use of about 50 subjects with different mental conditions and intensities in order to ensure the research data variety. They will be asked some questions in an interview situation where they will answer voluntarily and as honestly as possible. Psychiatrists will also be approached for their medical opinion without violation of patient confidentiality unless it is public information that can be shared. Sampling will be done by considering the patients’ medical past and the severity of their condition, which can be helpful in categorizing and prioritizing different mental conditions for the study.InstrumentationInterviewsInterviews will be used to collect data from the subjects being sampled. They will be conducted professionally in secluded areas where the subjects will be asked various questions about mental health and their condition. The information collected from the interviews will be reliable since it can be confirmed using medical records if consented. The use of interviews will be highly useful since the information collected will supplement the secondary sources in use so that the end result is composed of different subjective perspectives.Data Collection and Analysis ProceduresMost of the data for this research will be acquired from credible secondary sources that have been written by other researchers through the use of different investigation methods. As for the interview procedure, specific, open-ended questions will be asked with the use of some situational and behavioral questions for further understanding. A letter of consent will be availed to the subjects by researchers before any interviewing begins. The data collected for the study will have variety, considering various methods used by different researchers to gather information. Once the data are collected, they will be subjectively analyzed through the comparison of different subjects’ information and its correlation to the theoretical information using precise observational skills and data comparison charts. The data will then be evaluated with an aim of finding relevant information that can be used to come up with accurate results to prove the notion perceived by the study. The researchers will experience the satisfaction of engaging in real-life data collection from live subjects and having the opportunity to develop their skills.Protection of Human RightsThe collection of information about mental health conditions from various subjects will be done in a professional manner with the consideration of the privacy and needs of the sampled individuals. Interviews will be conducted in secluded areas of psychiatric institutions where the subjects will be free to share their experiences. Psychiatrists will also be able to choose what information to share with respect to the patient data. Patients will not be required to share personal details if they feel uncomfortable and they will also have the freedom to stop the interviews whenever they wish. The subjects’ confidentiality will be held in high regard when publishing the results of the research, and any explicit information will be placed under an alias name that conceals their real identities. The results will be available to the subjects in an online paper that they can freely access.DiscussionOver the past few decades, humans all over the world have experienced the effects of mental disorders either directly or through other people around them. Some research studies have been conducted on the topic but not as extensively as possible because most people tend to focus more on physical illnesses that have received more research attention probably due to their numerous cases. However, mental health has also proven to be a major area of concern since everyone has the potential to have a mental disorder. Various studies have also provided valid evidence to support the claim that almost everyone has had some form of mental problem no matter how temporary or small it may be. The information provided by the research will impact how investigations into mental health should be conducted in the future, as there emerge more incidences of mental disorders and related deaths. The results will benefit not only the people affected by such conditions but also those who have to deal with them in one way or another. They will enable the prevention of more cases and provide methods of effective management of various mental disorders. Since the research will mostly depend on secondary sources of information, it may not be entirely conclusive, but the use of different points of view will make it applicable to the modern issue of mental health.ConclusionThis research proposal concerning the investigation into mental health and related disorders is an important area of study as it is evident throughout the paper. The topics covered have given some useful information about the importance of mental health, considering its effects on the global society. The information provided in the paper is enough proof of the importance of the subject matter but not enough for public health education and application. There is a significant amount of valuable information that can be acquired through deeper investigation. It is, therefore, imperative that more extensive research is conducted on the topic. Investigations should be given the deserved attention and seriousness because, as the research results conclude, mental disorders are a global crisis and mental health is a crucial area of study in the modern world.ReferencesSperry, L. (2016). Mental health and mental disorders: An encyclopedia of conditions, treatments, and well-being. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.World Health Organization. (2013). Mental health action plan 2013-2020. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.Valentine, C. (2015). Psychology and mental health. Abingdon, UK: Taylor and Francis.Knifton, L., & Quinn, N. (2013). Public mental health : Global perspectives. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.Aneshensel, C., Phelan, J., & Bierman, A. (2012). Handbook of the sociology of mental health. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.Mackereth, C., Brown, J., & Learmonth, A. (2015). Promoting public mental health and well-being: Principles into practice. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
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