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Cat in the Rain - By sarahninaburgess On Strindberg Project

Strindberg Project

Cat in the Rain

By sarahninaburgess

Cat in the Rain” is a story by Ernest Hemingway set in a fictional scene that presents the drama in the marriage of an American couple who have lost love for one another. “The Storm” is a story by Kate Chopin also set in a fictional scene that presents lack of contentment in a marriage that the wife seeks attention outside the marriage. The authors present similarities in the two women’s characters through the attention they both seek outside their marriages. The authors contrast the outer and inner beauty of marriages, which portrays that the public recognize and prefer the outer beauty of a marriage while those in marriage prefer the inner beauty. Kate Chopin’s “The Storm” and Ernest Hemingway’s “Cat in the Rain” narrate a love triangle between women and men and the oppressiveness in failing marriages. They present complex views of marriages and the real characters that motivate readers to sympathize with the challenges and needs of characters (Chopin, K. 2007 and Benson, J. 1990).The two stories present a normal setting of marriages, which is an area that people can relate to in the society. They present different characters that readers can identify with in terms of gender issues in marriages, and symbolize a daily life of married individuals, the kind of challenges they face and behavioral characters in men and women. The narrative point of view presents everything unpleasant about marriages, but also defines the different ways to meet marital needs and make marriages pleasant. Through their writing, the authors encourage people to appreciate and enjoy effortless contentment in marriages and are concerned with individual inner virtues that signify charm for both women and men. The two married women introduce strangers into their marriages because they lack attention from their husbands. This depicts unending drama and rejection, which readers can relate to with characters and develop interest through the entire readings. In addition to this, the readings portray personal values that function cognitively in terms of self-concept. This means that one can have the chance to make his own choices. This shows behavioral patterns changing according to each character’s internalized values rather than outside interactions with other people. Characters can create dependency based on their potential to make personal choices. With such detailed writing, readers learn more than a story in the writing (Chopin, K. 2007 and Benson, J. 1990).Quote analysis for both readings present normal routines in life, for example, Hemingway’s “Cat in the Rain” argues about lust and love, communication and understanding, and challenges in marriages. These elements signify what real marriages encounter and present solutions for similar situations. This way the reading can be useful and enjoyable to readers of all ages and races. It also has acceptable and less complex language suitable for all readers in terms of analyzing and rewriting the stories. Chopin’s “The Storm” argues on open mindedness, contentment, commitment, understanding and communication. These elements signify reality in the lives of human in that readers can draw conclusions from it. For example, when one is not content, unless he is open minded to change, he may not have the right knowledge on how to commit himself towards achieving contentment. Through communication and understanding, one can embrace change and experience contentment in life. Through rebellion and disrespect, they gather courage to go against the requirements of marriage. For example, in “The Storm” the woman seeks attention from another man beside her husband, despite her son’s knowledge of her behavior. In “Cat in the Rain” the woman seeks the attention of a stranded cat in the rain despite her husband’s presence (Chopin, K. 2007 and Benson, J. 1990).Readers can have several open response questions on the quotes from the writing such as what emotional traits, concepts of communication and acceptable marital behavioral patterns readers can emulate. While dependency is a strong emotional trait for women, the authors indirectly state that marriage involves two people and so whatever choices one makes, the other partner has to be aware. This is simple when communication is possible and reasonable. Communication and understanding draw marriages to patience and security such that people develop psychological dependence, which is all round and long term in terms of handling challenges. While the stories present frustrations of characters, they also show the responses of characters to these frustrations such as rebellion and disrespect. Characters develop rebellious attitudes that can permit them to acquire or demand attention elsewhere. Emotions such as separation and loneliness are normal to readers because characters portray that well in their reactions to lacking contentment in their marriages. The authors expose their strong beliefs to influence the readers to respond to the emotional elements in the writings (Chopin, K. 2007 and Benson, J. 1990).In conclusion, the stories present strong emotions such as love, loneliness and happiness like in normal marriages. The women become repressive and make choices to create solutions by seeking attention outside their marriages because of their problems. Without knowledge of their problems, characters change from being harmless, soft-spoken to wild, and out-spoken based on the type of environment marriage frustrations created around them. They make choices to overshadow the frustrations they experience, which is what most people do in similar situations. The reactions of characters capture the real emotions of the society such as hate, anger, resentment, lust and love. When such emotions arise in a person and no understanding of one’s character, they can turn to harmful emotions in terms of pushing one to create his own space and position in the society just like in the stories.ReferencesBenson, J. (1990) New critical approaches to the short stories of Ernest Hemingway. Duke University Press. Retrieved From: articles ernest hemingway's cat in the rain&source=gbs_navlinks_sChopin, K.(2007) The storm. The Norton Anthology of American Literature Volume C.Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 531-34Stein, A.(2003) The kaleidoscope of truth: A new kook at Chopin's 'The storm.' American Literary Realism 36: 51-64.
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Published: October 10, 2022, 9:05 am