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Lucky Night - A Bagatelle By Ted Lennartsson On Strindberg Project

Strindberg Project

Lucky Night

A Bagatelle By Ted Lennartsson

At some point, during the night that passed, I experienced a light sense of euphoria. As I realized this sense was due to me doing unspecified things that was right, the euphoria grew.
Hope arise that you, reading this bloggish bagatelle, will be awarded accordingly.
If not either me writing this text, or you reading it, was not right.
You may falsify my doubts by pressing the "like" button, or else let us both continue to walk the path of uncertainty.

In any case I wish you a good day. I can assure you mine was!
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Read 83536 Times - Genre: Bloggish
Published: October 4, 2010, 12:22 am
Tags : euphoria, text